more then just a glorified babysitter

Ahhhhhhhhh....I worked today and had a blast.
Childcare is one of those jobs where every day is so compleatly different and you never know whats gonna happen.
Although i worked in the nursery full time last year, I know only a couple of the babies that are in there at the moment. So this ment that i was in a different room, which was great to catch up with my 3 to 5 year old friends (most of them anyway)
The 3-5 yr old room can hold up to 30 kidlets, but there where 20 today.
A great carer makes such a differents in the kids behaviour and attitude. We have a angency staff member as the room leader at the moment, and she has worked magic in that room.
It was the one room that no one wanted to be in.
The kidlets where absolutly amazing today. Bless their little cotten socks :P
When I walk into that room, they stop what they are doing and all run up and attack me with hugs and kisses, clinging to my legs till I pretty much shake them off. I love it.
We sat and watched a bit of 'Cars' but they got pretty bored with it, so I put on Peter Pan (this was during quiet time) and they were quite NO fighting at all.
When I look at how much these kids have grown, it is amazing. Working with the babies is an amazing experience.
One girl who I looked after from before she was really crawling, has now moved up to the toddlers room. When ever she sees me, she gasps, puts her hands on her mouth and starts to jump or dance, then throws her hands open and runs to me.
To think that i can have an impact on these lives is often a frightning thought. To think that a baby will remember me, and be so excited to see me is an unexplainable thing...words do no justice.
To be like a child, to be able to trust with no judgement, run with no thought and express love with no holding back....what more could a child want in a relationship?
Working where you used to Ana? ABC?
"To be like a child, to be able to trust with no judgement, run with no thought and express love with no holding back....what more could a child want in a relationship?"
That is absolutly amazing, if it was shorter it would be my new msn quote, hell i'll try it anyway
yeah..where i used to work :p i miss them so much
you can learn so so so much from babies/kids
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