Thursday, June 08, 2006


I love the bit when Christ asked for his greatest hits and he says, 'OK, love God, and love your neighbours as yourself.' Christianity is not complicated, that's what it is. Bono

I heard someone say they other day, that when reading the bible, it is not the confusing stuff that we struggle to live out, it is the things we actually do understand that makes it hard to do.
We had just read Matthew 5 v 38-48, the 'love your enemy' part.I realised that even thought this is so easy to understand, it is really a hard thing to actually live out.
We live in a society where it is ok to hit back at and bring down those who we see as being the enemy; enemies bring out the worst in people.

'Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God created selves'
I get frustrated by people all the time, and most of the time, over somethings that are really stupid. I really struggle with it.

'live generously and graciously towards others, the way God lives towards you.'
When i read that, i realised that i do things that upset God, but you dont hear him bitching about it.It is such a simple thing to live out, yet something i think most of us would struggle with.


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