Monday, July 10, 2006

premium ziplock bags

So there. I have a why aren't i excited?? Why does it feel like the end of it more freedom. Its pathetic really. Its been a weird few days really. My head is all over the place...
Yesterday at church was has been really great lately, but i don't know if thats cos i have changed or if the music is much better.
Afterwards James Tim(outdoor) and myself ended up at Jess's house to watch 'Everything is illuminated.'
Wow is about all i can say...really some amazing stuff in there. I wonder what it would be like, to not know if the war was over. Someone (tim i think) said it was like we where watching art, not a film. I think that kind of sums it amazing piece of art.

Late night tv can be very strange, especilly when it invloves american tv evangalists......and when the segment is called 'who contols the weather?' you really have to wonder. Apparently these earthquakes are happening, because the end is nigh. The earthquake that hit LA (not sure when..) was because La is the porn captial.....hmmmmmmm.

Today was woken up by a phone call from work, seeing if i was avalible, which i was not, after staying at jess' the night. Thats why i was suprised when they rang a little while say there was a full-time possition avalible for now the search is over.
Went to Knox and saw Pirates 2, which was ending I would not have ever of guessed.

Work. Its nice to know that i already know the ins and outs of the centre, the staff, kids and families. It feels like an end to my life as it is now, the startings of something new and hopfully somewhat exciting. So here goes.

Something Jess had up on her wall stood out to me......lyrics to a Tim Hughes song 'beauty of your peace'

Your voice has stilled the raging storms The wind and waves bow down before
Your still small voice brings hope to all
Who wait on You, we'll wait for You
To lead us to the place where You'll restore our souls
And all our earthly strivings come to cease

Take from our souls the strain and stress
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Your peace
The beauty of Your peace

Bright skies will soon be overhead
We'll enter in to Heaven's rest
There'll be no death, there'll be no pain
The things of old will pass away
You'll lead us to the place where You'll restore our souls
And all our earthly strivings come to cease

Take from our souls the strain and stress
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Your peace
The beauty of Your peace

This song had amazing meaning to me when i first heard it, and it still does.

A cryout to God, which has been a current occurence of mine at the moment.


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