Tuesday, July 11, 2006

well....my last day of freedom as i know it. Yes, I go back to work tomorrow. I am looking forward to it, back to some kind of normality.

Today was ment to be spent sleaning up my room, passing things on that are no longer in use or that I have not dressed in for a while... so far, there has been 2 an a half big plastics bags, a big box of....stuff, and a couple of smaller boxs of books.....now it is to get them to an oppy.

I did forsee that i would need a break at some stage, so arranged to meet up with sam in lilydaly.....might i add a very happy/blissfull sam :p

We first went to the Bible Society, where I proceeded to get :Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, along with Blue like Jazz, byDonald Miller. More on that later....

It was then coffee time...so off to the blue turtle. Sam got a berry smoothy and a piece of erm...blonde cake (?)...all i remember was the white chocolate. I got a chocolate milkshake and a piece of lemon marange pie....yum!

It was great to catch up on the going-ons in our lives, and was lots of fun.

Onto the op-shop, which was a cracker looking at all the dodgy books, as well finding a copy of "i heard the owl call my name" for sam.

We went our seperate ways soon after, both trying to not get wet.

I got a bit of reading done on the way home, of Velvet Elvis. So far so sosososososo good.

But now i am off to get my lunch ready, do the dishes and clear my bed of crap so i can do some more reading....and some sleep :s


Blogger Bec said...

That means blue like jazz is mine again? Do bring it tomorrow :D

I love that cartoon in the 'hate it' kind of way.

10:59 PM  

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