Tuesday, August 08, 2006

breezy bliss

It was sweet as cheese cake weather today, and i am in the loving of summer weather mood.
It is funny how much the weather can affect your mood, and it always affect kids. If you want to spend a day of hell on earth, believe me: it is possible. When its been raining and you cant take kids outside (they're like magnets to puddles)...boy oh boy...watch out.

Today was a lush day. beautiful does it no justic.
Playing outside today was pure bliss. There where summer smells around, water sunscrean and turf always smell good together.

I long for summer, lawn bowles, frozen watermelon, long light balmy nights, sitting outside, cool light clothing, swimming, laughter, ice cold drinks, dancing on the grass, fruit salad, no shoes, showers twice a day, sitting in front of a fan spraying water over your face.......

Weather like this always makes me sing summer songs

summer streaching on the grass
summer dresses pass
in the shade of a willow tree
creeps a crawling over me
I have always had songs that are my summer songs, and i love driving along with my windows open with summer sounds surrounding me
Summer inspires me, creates and swirls my mind into imagination.


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