Thursday, September 21, 2006

For every action (there is a reaction)

I got a giant kick up the arse last night, and it was a long time coming. And boy, was it needed.

I am cynical. There is no other way to put it.

I look at the way the world is, and it is so easy to blame and point the finger at those who appear to hold positions of great power, to those who are in the lime light for the decions being made, suposedly on behalf of the majority.

I was listening to "untill the end of the world' by U2 this afternoon, when this particular lyric struck me:
Judus betrayed Jesus with a simple kiss.
I make promise after promise to do something....and thats all it ever turns out to be...meare words. And as it is said...actions speake louder then words.
Everytime i promise to do something about the world i live in, i find it all to complicated and cave back into my old ways. I think..oh well...someone else is doing something about it.
It is MY OWN PERSONAL responsibility to do seek justice for those who have no idea what justice is.
When i make these dead-end promises i am playing the tart in the garden.
enough is enough.
I need to be kept accountable to these promises, a swift kick up the arse when i turn a blind eye, when i feel all-too comfotable, when i turn a deaf ear, when i don't feel compassion,when i keep on sitting and not making a move.
When i keep living the way i am........

Monday, September 18, 2006

wrap me up

My Uncle, who has just come back from a business trip to the US of A, told me on saturday, that almost half of the American population believe that Jesus was american.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Not such a bleeding mess anymore....

Ver pleased with how it is healing quickly. Still a bit sensitive, but not like scorching hot sunburn anymore :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

flash bang

arty farty

i have always enjoyed photography and the process that go with it. Year nine art was great, working in the dark room, the smell of chemicals..mmmm. I had so much fun with it all.

If i could afford it, and had no time constraints, i would have my own dark room.... yet there is no chance of that happening in the next little while :)

After getting my tattoo, i was in a creative mood, so grabbed the family dig. camera... here's the results..

I really like this one >

Sunday, September 10, 2006

All it takes is 1 decsion, a lot of guts, and a little vision...

Well...this is now my third attepmt at this post...lets hope it does not freeze again :x

I have finally gone and gotten 'the' tattoo...

The BEFORE shot..der

The AFTER shot

and all with NO pain relief :s

Big kudos to sam for going with me :)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

the nerve of it

What is it with bloody cars at the moment.
I had to start work at 6.30 this morning, and it was hard gettting up at 5.15 ( i still shudder at the thought).
Go to the car......nothing. and i mean nothing. slam the door shut, most likely waking the whole street up muttering some choice words.
Wake up mum and dad, who come out and help to jump-start the stupid thing. Then bliss...i am on my way to work.
that was untill i ahd to slow down for a red light. The car dies....i had to stop in the middle of maroonda hwy and mt dandy rd :S
So i sit there, trying to ring dad on his mob...he has the frickin thing turned off. Ring home....then ring the stress-head from work to tell her i am running...very late (we had to open the centre together) so she stresses..making me stress....blah blah blah
Some guy taps on my window and tells me he will push the car down the hwy a i "don't get hit up the arse" Always fun trying to dodge thru traffic :s
So crap morning.
The best part of the day was when i hooked my ipod to the radio and played my own music. With every few songs resulting in me jumping up and putting on the next song...woops..
When all of the cherubs had woken up, i put on some not so sleepy music, which resulted in Hurricane by Faker being played. In the first 5 seconds of it playing, on of my boys started dancing like a chicken!! So v v funny to watch. It made my day!

So now the car is fixed, i once love it again....till next time anyway.

tonight is the yits info night, so am dragging the parental unit with me to suss a bit more out about it all....

life isnt like a box of chocolates (thank goodness) its like a big ball of knotted together that you cant tell where you are most of the time

Saturday, September 02, 2006

explains it all really....

Found this on one of my favourite blogs......tis entitled 'girl has a damaged head.'

My ears are still ringing, mouth still dry...stomach hurting from laughing.

Best night in a age.

Yes...the outer eastern burbs is a raging on a friday night.

Start off at the local pub, a handy under-five minute walk away. Cheers big-ears.

Taxi it to the local pool-hall...with a safty warning for the cabbie.

Killed 3 deer on some american shoot-em up game...beat both tim and dylan. What that has to prove is beyond me.

Talk to a few other peeps...decide to go to the club next door. Me, having never been asked for id before, is stuipd enought not to take any with me. 1 taxi ride home to call it a night. Get on the net, another taxi shows up...Dylan has to change his shoes.

Decide the night is young....back i go with the boys.

One attempted and failed hook-up...hahaha...yes i do know how to use a hula-hoop. Apparently thats the way to dance...pretend you are ...whatevering a hula-hoop. All in a good nights work.

Get home at....4ish from memory.

Dylan, the sucker, had work in the moring, so after a bit to eat, he is off to bed.

A few placebo concert flashes later....bout 5.15 and bed time for tim and i.

Wake up at 7ish...thinking it must be round lunch time. damn body clock.


up at 9.10.......

now for the rest of the day