Monday, October 22, 2007

God moving over the faces of the water..

The air around here has changed.

Last night it had a slight sticky feel to it, not a horrible one, but the beginnings of change.

Change of pace, change of seasons...change of the year as I have known it.

Driving home with Blair, we had our windows right down, and an arm out, feeling the cool breeze .

A soft scent of honey and sweet flowers was thick in the air. It was one of those smells that took you back to distant memories.

Last night was like God moving through the air, thick with expectancy and hope and excitement.

"Wrapped in the warmth of you

Loving every breath of you

Still in my heart this moment

Or it might burst

Could we stay right here

Until the end of time until the earth stops turning

Wanna love you until the seas run dry

Ive found the one Ive waited for"

Painting: Hot Summer Afternoon: Ann Ruttan

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

birds and bees

I really wonder sometimes if TV executives think we are stupid.

Having flicked on the TV (hoping to find something at lest half watchable in the cess-pool called Sunday night TV) I blindly stumbled upon 'The Singing Bee.'

If I really was that desperate to watch, and unfortunately listen, to people stumble their way through half-arsed renditions of some awful songs, hosted by an American ex-boy band member ('bye bye baby' indeed) I would make more of an effort getting to the local karaoke night, rather then sitting in the comfort of my own home.

At least with drunk, grown up men singing Kylie, they throw in a few dance moves.

And don't get me started on the cheerleaders/interpretive dancers, a.k.a 'the bees' in their skimpy pole dancing gear.

Friday, October 05, 2007

It's my body and I'll do what I want to..

I find it amusing the response I get when I say that I am thinking about becoming a vegetarian.

Well...aquatarian if we are going to get technical.

And no, aquatarian is not according to my 'star sign.' Nor does it consist of just drinking water. It's called a dictionary. You might find it helpful.

This last year I have been seriously thinking about becoming a vego. And I think it has caused more controversy then getting my lip pierced or my tattoo (soo I might be exaggerating a little. Or not)

Why the choice? A few simple (to me anyway) reasons:

1. My father is a biker. Biker + summer time = BBQ. I have had a life time of meat in one summer.

2. I feel so much better when I have eaten vegetarian food. More energised and calmer.

3. Less processed crap, less chemicals. Have you ever wondered why your roast chicken is so freaking big??

4. The amount of grain it can take to feed a cow, could be used to feed people in the world who actually need to be fed. Not westernised consumerist self-centered* people who say they are starving and would have no idea what starvation was even if it bit them fair on the arse. (*cough* a degree)

5. Yes I have eaten 'fast food'. And when I have eaten at world famous family restaurants ( Ha! What a joke) two days in a row, I get into a fowl (hehe punisment) mood.

6. What does it matter if I decide to cut meat (bar fish/seafood) out of my diet?

And yes...I now have soy milk in my hot drinks :p

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

"If there was no way into God,
I would never have laid in this grave of a body so long"

The dryness and the rain

What good is a dry well?
its one big crack
with dust filling up mouths
only to be spat out

Waiting for my rain
while there is a thunderstorm over your head
What is the cost of water these days?