Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Yes sir...thats my father

Having two chaplains as parents has ensured that there has been lots of discussion reguarding the Federal governments plans to fund chaplains in both governemt and non-government schools.
Dad was rung up by The Age yesterday and interviewed. There was some joking on dylan and my behalf, saying he would proberly not even get a mention.

The joke was on us...

When the president talks to God


When the president talks to God
Are the conversations brief or long?
Does he ask to rape our women’s' rights
And send poor farm kids off to die?
Does God suggest an oil hike
When the president talks to God?

When the president talks to God
Are the consonants all hard or soft?
Is he resolute all down the line?
Is every issue black or white?
Does what God say ever change his mind
When the president talks to God?

When the president talks to God
Does he fake that drawl or merely nod?
Agree which convicts should be killed?
Where prisons should be built and filled?
Which voter fraud must be concealed
When the president talks to God?

When the president talks to God
I wonder which one plays the better cop
We should find some jobs. the ghetto's broke
No, they're lazy, George, I say we don't
Just give 'em more liquor stores and dirty coke
That's what God recommends

When the president talks to God
Do they drink near beer and go play golf
While they pick which countries to invade
Which Muslim souls still can be saved?

I guess god just calls a spade a spade
When the president talks to God

When the president talks to God
Does he ever think that maybe he's not?
That that voice is just inside his head
When he kneels next to the presidential bed
Does he ever smell his own bullshit
When the president talks to God?

I doubt it

I doubt it

Friday, October 27, 2006

My beautiful babies :)

I am bias....but my godkids, Jack, Charlie and Hannah are the best and the cutest and any other vomit worthy words you can think of :)


So i had my 'interview' today for Yits next year


thats all...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Trash, Trampoline and the Party Girl

So what a week it has been.
I think i have experienced every emotion on the spectrum in the last 8 days. Crazy stuff.
It was my birthday yesterday and i am, according to sam, now 'old.' At least i can bag out teenagers now :)
I am finally getting a cd player put in my car tomorrow morning...no more dodgy stearing from me, as i attempt to skip songs or change disks in the portable player.

My bloggings have been so haphazzard lately...
I guess this is just a reflection on my life at the moment.

I have been procrastinating the importaint stuff in lue of having a pity party.

Monday, October 23, 2006

tee collection

So I am a fan of a great tee (being of the shirt variety)
Nothing brightens my day more then a great tee find....today was my lucky day.
So i bring to you a collection.....

My golden find of the day :......

Saturday, October 21, 2006

You-tube I-tube we-all-tube

Yes....that wonderful creation that has kept my mind of things the last few days. I have found some way cool things, especally some footage of tv programs that i grew up with. These include:

Alex Mack....the girl who had an accident involving chemicals, which made her able to turn herself into a water blob. One of my all time faves :)

Raggy dolls... another old school cartoon..i loved backtofront the best

Gumby.... hell yeah..thats all

Super Ted.... tex was the best lol

Bananaman.....made eating banana's that little bit more exciting

Bangers and mash... all they want to do is have some fun

Fireman sam.... why i wanted to be a firefighter

Gummie bears......i loved watching this at my cousins house

Inspector Gadget......i still have this on video somewhere

Captain Planet...he's our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero...yeah, i still know the theme :s

Trap door... your a fool if you dont stay away from that trap door

Care bears .....i loved watching them..so so cool

Where on earth isCarman Sandiego... kickass show, and i had the computer game too :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

all that deep-fried goodness

On a some what lighter note:
on the news tonight, some american has 'invented' deep-fried coka-cola.
Simply mix coke with batter, deep-fry, serve in a coke cup, add cream and cherries, and eat your way to cardiac arrest.
sounds oh so tempting.
(do i sound convincing??)


So a pretty good day at work today. Only one person said they are resigning today....
I hate going to that place, where everything is a blur and never ending.
It is so hard the drive to work. I can only do it so many more times before cracking.
Its not even helpful telling the now director...she doesnt really give a rats.
I just cant make my mind up about the whole friggin thing....its eating away at me every waking hour.
The plans at the moment are to stay for a few weeks whilst looking at agency work options, updating resume and getting a new police check.
How ironic...placebo are one my ipod "you don't care about us": If it's a bad day, you try to suffocate. Another memory... scarred. If it's a bad case, then you accelerate,you're in the getaway... car.
shit shit shit

Monday, October 16, 2006

so hum

yet again its been a while between posts :(
I have not been able to just sit down and write as per usual. My head feels like its going to expload if i don't get all the crap swerling around out.

the past few days...

Friday was a bitch of a day
I got to work and my room was crazy..more so then usual. I was the only perminant carer there all day, which was just plain poo.
Then we all found out that our director is finishing up this coming thursday, with the new director starting today. The leader in my room decided to quit after finding that out, for various reasons. The other assistant and myself both put in transfer papers too.

Saturday was helping out at the quilt show at church, serving up scones with Jess. It was nice to get out of hom and not have to think about work and life in general. Jess and i then went to Gloria Jeans for a drink, and told them to get fair trade coffee :) We also decided to start walking together...soem form of exercies anyway. I think that will be really benifical.

After checking my phone at 12.16 sat night, bec sent a message saying for youth leaders to meet up at maccy dees at 8.30 am sunday, before going to church.
I was not concerntrating at all at church, which luckly was the national church survay forms. So nothing really lost there.
We (being to many to remember) went to knox for lunch and a movie.
Little Miss Sunshine was amazing.....if you get the chanch, see it.
After that, it was coffee time, so the majority of us went and did so. It was a great time to jsut catch up and all that.
My car was playing up a bit on the way to knox, and even more so on the way to dropping steve and tim back at their houses. Luckily it was just a spark plug hose had come off....erm or something.
Got home and then went out to a make poverty history event Stand Up with cam dan and a few others from church/elsewhere.

Got home and went to bed.

So then it was today...
Went to work. Pulled over and vomited on the way. Got to work, walked in and a few of the girls asked why i was there. I said on friday i would prob take today off work to look for another job. It was not a definate...but someone had been rung to cover my shift. So i left :)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

who is it (carry my joy on the left, carry my pain on the right)


pny up-close



I have had colours flowing in and out of my thinking instrument....these are two of its results.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

in the cold light of morning

so it has been a while since i last visited here.
I have had the same questions going thru my head
and just need to get them out...... tis gonna be emo of me :s

Where am i going
what am i doing
why am i feeling these things
and cant talk
but cry
my head aches
and bones cry

i feel so dry and brittle
like the earth could swallow me up
and i couldn't care less

I hate work
with a passion
and every day
is one day less
in that bloody place
yet one day more
i say one more week and i will see if i stay there
and i do
yet hate it even more
then the one just gone

one of these days i will
pack up and go
find somewhere else
to spend my energy

everything feels
like i am running to stand still
forever after
its a maze for rats to try
its a race
a race for rats
a race for rats to die

till all the pain drains away
so howl
for crying out loud
howl howl howl